H.R. 1628 - American Health Care Act of 2017

:: Amendment #32 offered by the Hon. Gary Palmer (AL) and David Schweikert (AZ) PDF
—The amendment creates a $15 billion risk sharing program to help states lower premiums for health coverage offered in the individual market.
— Section-by-Section Summary PDF
:: Amendment #33 offered by the Hon. Thomas MacArthur (NJ) P DF
—The amendment allows states to waive essential health benefits, age rating, and community rating. Health insurers would not be allowed to [deny coverage,] discriminate based on gender or [limit access based on] preexisting conditions. States must explain how the waiver will reduce average premiums for patients, increase enrollment for residents, stabilize the state's health insurance market, stabilize premiums for individuals living with preexisting conditions, or increase patients' health care plan options.
— Section-by-Section Summary P DF
:: Amendment #34 offered by the Hon. Fred Upton PDF
—The amendment increases the Patient and State Stability Fund by $8 billion from 2018 to 2023 to States with an approved community rating waiver, as established by the MacArthur Amendment, for providing assistance to reduce premiums or other out-of-pocket costs to individuals who may who may be subject to an increase in their monthly premium rates as a result of the States waiver. The amendment also resolves two minor technical drafting amendments, including the correction of an inaccurate cross-reference and to ensure proper labeling of subsections.
— Section-by-Section Summary PDF

:: Amendment #4 offered by the Hon. Greg Walden (OR) and Kevin Brady (TX)[Manager's Amendment — Technical Changes] PDF
— This amendment makes technical changes to conform with reconciliation instructions and address other drafting issues.
— Section-by-Section Summary PDF
Amendment #24 (2nd Degree) offered by the Hon. Greg Walden (OR) and Kevin Brady (TX): makes technical changes to address drafting issues PDF
— Section-by-Section of Amendment #24 PDF

:: Amendment #5 offered by the Hon. Greg Walden (OR) and Kevin Brady (TX) [Manager's Amendment Policy Changes ] PDF
— This amendment provides for the inclusion of additional policies affecting both Medicaid and the tax code.
— Section-by-Section Summary PDF
Amendment #25 (2nd Degree) offered by the Hon. Greg Walden (OR): makes technical changes to address drafting issues PDF
— Section-by-Section of Amendment #25 PDF

:: Amendment #31 (2nd Degree) offered by the Hon. Greg Walden (OR) and Kevin Brady (TX): delays the repeal of the additional .9 percent Medicare tax on high-income earners, require states to establish their own essential health benefits standards for purposes of the premium tax credit, and provide additional funding for the Patient and State Stability Fund for mental health and substance use disorders and maternity care. PDF
— Section-by-Section of Amendment #31 PDF

H. Rept. 115-52 PDF

Report from the Committee on the Budget

Hearing Documents

Rule PDF