NC State University Stream Restoration Program

This handbook is prepared by the NC State University Stream Restoration Program and North Carolina Sea Grant.

Authors: Barbara A. Doll, Garry L. Grabow, Karen R. Hall, James Halley, William A. Harman,
Gregory D. Jennings, and Dani E. Wise.

Funding for this guidebook was provided by:
N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, EPA 319 Grant Program,
and N.C. Department of Transportation

This document should be cited as follows:
Doll, B.A., G.L. Grabow, K.R. Hall, J. Halley, W.A. Harman, G.D. Jennings and D.E. Wise, 2003. Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook. NC Stream Restoration Institute, NC State University. 128 pp.

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Stream Restoration: A Natural Channel Design Handbook

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